Match Filter

Before reading about this filter take a look at the base configuration which applies for all filters.

This filter is used for search. This filter doesn't form any lists of choices, it limits results to match the request.

Match filter specific document_field setting

Formation of document_field setting:

> All of the operators described above can be applied to the same document_field setting

Example of a complex document_field value for the filter:

document_field: title^3,variants>variants.color,description^2

In an example above, the search will be done on three fields: title, description and color of a nested variants object. Also, title and description fields will be boosted by 3 and 2 accordingly.

Match filter specific options

Match filter uses Elasiticsearch Match Query in its core and all the specific options are passed to it. This means that the specific options of the Match Filter are the same as the options of the Match Query. Here are a few of the more commonly used ones:

Setting name Meaning
fuzziness Enables inexact matching of the results. Expects an integer value
prefix_length Used together with fuzziness. Determines the length of the prefix that won't change
operator Controls the clauses of the inner boolean query. Can be set to or or and, defaults to or

You can read more about them or get the complete list in the official docs

Configuration example example:

# app/config/config.yml
            type: match
            request_field: q
            document_field: title,description^2,attributes>attributes.title^3
                operator: and
                fuzziness: 2

Query composition

According to the specified configuration, the filter will become active when the request query will contain q parameter. Therefore, if the request being executed is, the filter will execute this query:

    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "should": [
                    "match": {
                        "title": {
                            "query": "example",
                            "fuzziness": 2,
                            "operator": "and"
                    "match": {
                        "description": {
                            "query": "example",
                            "fuzziness": 2,
                            "operator": "and",
                            "boost": "2"
                    "nested": {
                        "path": "attributes",
                        "query": {
                            "match": {
                                "attributes.title": {
                                    "query": "example",
                                    "fuzziness": 2,
                                    "operator": "and",
                                    "boost": "3"

To start using the filter, simply call the handleRequest method of the filter manager from the controller. After the request is handled, only documents that contain experiment (or any very similar word, due to fuzziness) will appear in the results.

Usage in the templates

This filter returns a simple ViewData object, it is not intended to create any view-specific choices. The aim of this filter is to limit the result set of the documents.

For more information on how to handle a request or retrieve data, please refer to the basics topic