Top Hits Aggregation

More info about top hits aggregation is in the official elasticsearch docs

A top hits metric aggregator keeps track of the most relevant document being aggregated. This aggregator is intended to be used as a sub aggregator, so that the top matching documents can be aggregated per bucket.

Simple example

    "aggregation": {
        "top-tags": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "tags",
                "size": 3
            "aggregations": {
                "top_tag_hits": {
                    "top_hits": {
                        "sort": [
                                "last_activity_date": {
                                    "order": "desc"
                        "_source": {
                            "include": [
                        "size" : 1

And now the query via DSL:

$sort = new FieldSort('last_activity_date', FieldSort::DESC);
$sorts = new Sorts();
$topHitsAggregation = new TopHitsAggregation('top_tag_hits', 1, null, $sorts);
$topHitsAggregation->addParameter('_source', ['include' => ['title']]);

$termsAggregation = new TermsAggregation('top-tags', 'tags');
$termsAggregation->addParameter('size', 3);

$search = new Search();

$queryArray = $search->toArray();