Using Currency Helpers in Twig

This bundle provides two Twig filters to display converted price and a function to list available currencies. To learn more read usage details below.

ongr_price filter

This filter can be applied on price to get converted and formatted price. Price format can be changed by passing following parameters in corresponding order:

Note: Currency codes must follow ISO 4217 standard.

Usage example in Twig:

Formatted price: {{ 1000|ongr_price(2, "USD", "EUR", "%s dollars.") }}

This example converts price from Euros to Dollars and prints it in given format.

ongr_price_list filter

This filter can be used when you need to list prices in all configured currencies. Common use case is to have price in all currencies and allow user to switch the shown one without reloading the page.

This filter has optional parameters:

For detailed usage example check [Switching Currency on Client Side][2] page.

Custom Price List Template

You can use custom template if you want. When template is rendered prices array will be passed to it. Here is the list of available keys:

Example twig template:

{% for price in prices %}
    <span class="currency-{{ price.currency }}">
        {{ price.value }}
{% endfor %}

When your custom template is ready you can use it by passing it directly to the filter.

ongr_currency_list function

This function prints a list of all configured currencies. If no arguments given, default template will be used. Pass template name to use custom template.

Example, using default template:

{{ ongr_currency_list() }}

Or you can pass custom template on runtime:

{{ ongr_currency_list('AppBundle::currency_list.html.twig') }}

Custom Currency List Template

You can use custom template if you want. When template is rendered currencies array will be passed to it. Here is the list of available keys:

Getting prices with past currency rates

Both ongr_price_list and ongr_price support retrieval of the prices with currency rates of the past. In order to do this, it should be first ensured that the currency rates of the wanted date exist in elasticsearch, otherwise an exception will be thrown. If the rates exist, however, one additional parameter can be passed to each of the filters:

Formatted price from 2016 04 13: {{ 1000|ongr_price(2, "USD", "EUR", "%s dollars.", "2016-04-13") }}

Formatted price list from 2016 04 13: {{ 1000|ongr_price_list('', null, "2016-04-13") }}

In the example above the price will be formatted according to 2016 04 13 currency rates. Lastly, it is important to use the date format as shown above.